Inbox Help
What is confirmed availability and how does it work?

Keeping your calendar up to date is an important part of managing your business on Rover. With the confirm availability feature, you can reassure pet owners that your calendar is accurate so that they’re more confident booking with you! That’s because when you confirm your availability, you’ll receive a banner within the search, highlighting when you’re free, so owners know you’re truly available to care for their pet. In this article, we’ll cover:


How It Works

On your Rover Dashboard, you can see your availability at a glance for the next two weeks.

  • Blue date boxes indicate dates you’re available for at least one of your services.
  • Grey date boxes indicate dates you’re unavailable for all of your services.

Calendar 2wk availability UK.png

Selecting Confirm Availability is your way of telling Rover and pet owners that you’ve reviewed your calendar and verified that it’s accurate. Here's what it will look like in search:

Calendar updated new Euro English.png

Additionally, when a pet owner views a sitter’s profile with confirmed availability, there will be a banner beneath the sitter’s calendar stating the last time they’ve verified availability.

Calendar main sitter profile UK.png


Confirming your availability will not only help you stand out within the search but also help you receive requests you’re more likely able to accept, which means you’ll spend less time sorting through requests you can’t accommodate.


Editing Your Availability

With confirmed availability, you can now edit your availability for the next two weeks from your Rover Dashboard with the “Your availability for the next 2 weeks” box. Remember, blue boxes signify you’re available for at least one service, while grey boxes signify that you are unavailable for all services.

How do I mark myself as available?

  1. Select the date you’re currently showing as unavailable that you need to change to available. You’ll see the date box change from grey to blue.
  2. Select Confirm Availability to save your changes.

How do I mark myself as unavailable?

  1. Select the date you’re currently showing as available that you need to change to unavailable. You’ll see the date box change from blue to grey.
  2. Select Confirm Availability to save your changes.

Now, all services for that date will be marked as unavailable.

If you need to make additional edits to your calendar, for instance, marking yourself as available for one service, but unavailable for another service, or adjusting the number of spaces you have available, go to your full calendar to make those changes.

On your full calendar, you can still edit your availability as you normally would. Additionally, you can also confirm your availability for the next two weeks by selecting Confirm Availability in the upper left corner of the screen.

Full calendar UK.png


Additional information

  • We recommend confirming your availability regularly to reassure pet parents your calendar is accurate. You’ll still show in search results even if you don’t confirm availability, however, you won’t have a banner to highlight you’ve verified your availability.
  • Your profile will display a Confirmed Available banner in search for the services that you’ve marked yourself as available. You won't appear in search results for services that you've marked as unavailable.
  • The Confirmed Available banner will only be displayed in two-week windows.


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